Author: admin
These Very Small Stem Cells [VSEL’s] dramatically change a pet’s health permanently!
VSELS stands for Very Small Embryonic Stem Cells I’m going to need to start at the beginning and tell you a bit about Stem Cells and then move on to explain the miracle of VSELS. Most of you have heard of Stem Cells. Stem cells are oftentimes advertised as a powerful healing therapy in the… Read more
Creating that Healthy Alkaline pH in your dog. Most people don’t even know why an alkaline pH is important.
Here are some examples of veggies that, when fed to your dog or cat, will help create a more alkaline pH and therefore a more oxygenated body AlfalfaBarley GrassBeet GreensBeetsBroccoliCabbageCarrotCauliflowerCeleryChard GreensChlorellaCollard GreensCucumberDandelionsDulceFermented VeggiesGarlicGreen BeansGreen PeasKaleKohlrabiMustard GreensParsnips (high glycemic)PeasPumpkinSea VeggiesSpinach, greenSpirulinaSweet PotatoesWheat Grass Read more
Facts about Cat Vaccines. Are they needed? What’s the risk?
Let’s start with some plain and simple facts. Out of all the components in your cat’s ‘supposed’ yearly booster shot, the one disease you might ever have to worry about is Feline Distemper. Importantly, it’s really not much of a ‘worry’ at all. The thing that’s important to know is that only kittens get Feline Distemper. Adult… Read more
Lyme Disease Truths Most folks believe that if their dog gets a tick bite they WILL get Lyme disease. Nothing could be further from the truth. Learn the real stats on Lyme disease
Most folks believe that if their dog gets a tick bite they WILL get Lyme disease. Nothing could be further from the truth. Learn the real stats on Lyme disease Read more
Interested in TRULY ELIMINATING ALLERGIES, FOOD SENSITIVITIES AND FOOD INTOLERANCE IN YOUR DOG OR CAT? Can you imagine that you have a healthy pet with no problems? No more diarrhea? No more itching? No more ear infections?
The most efficient solution to the allergy problem in our pets would be to fix their faulty immune systems—the computers that have, so to speak, gone awry in our pets’ bodies. And that’s why holistic solutions, particularly Allergy Elimination 4 Pets, can be especially effective. An easy way to understand Allergy Elimination 4 Pets is… Read more
Apoquel- The Drug that will cause generations of immune problems- in my opinion
Does your dog have allergies? If so, your conventional veterinarian may offer you a popular allergy drug called Apoquel®. It’s touted as “a fast-acting and safe treatment for the control of acute and chronic canine pruritus.” Pruritus means itching … and if you’ve got an itchy dog you’re probably desperate to make your dog more comfortable.… Read more
e’ve all heard that our skin is one of the first lines of defenseagainst disease. In fact, the skin’s first line of defense actuallyconsists of a bunch of bugs, living in harmony. The collectivegroup composed of all these bugs is called a microbiome. These many different types of bacteria and yeast live on our pets’skin… Read more
What ‘IS’ IBD or IBS?
rritable Bowel Disease (IBD) is no less than a series of battles going on in the digestive tract of your dog. The collateral damage suffered from these conflicts result in the symptoms of IBD. The thing is, just like in the case of actual wars being fought between countries, these clashes and brawls in your dog’s gut… Read more
Is there some sort of competition on who can come up with new names for new drugs and natural products that are crazy hard to pronounce? I vote to add this one to the competition. At the end of this blog entry, you’ll be asked to spell this in addition to saying it ten times… Read more
This Fat Cat is sitting on some Pet Allergy Secrets
Allergies, food sensitivities and food intolerances can cause both itching(ATOPY) and GI problems in both dogs and cats. Additionally, dogs and cats can be allergic to mold, dust, insects, grass, weeds and hundreds of other environmental substances. All pet allergies have a common denominator: an animal who has lost the ability to cope with his… Read more