Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies

Cutting Edge Holistic Health Solutions for Pets

These Very Small Stem Cells [VSEL’s] dramatically change a pet’s health permanently!

VSELS stands for Very Small Embryonic Stem Cells

I’m going to need to start at the beginning and tell you a bit about Stem Cells and then move on to explain the miracle of VSELS.  Most of you have heard of Stem Cells. Stem cells are oftentimes advertised as a powerful healing therapy in the field of integrative and regenerative medicine. They’re considered the key to health, youth, regeneration and anti-aging in both humans and pets.

Without these cells, we wouldn’t be able to heal.  Ever!   A wound would never heal.

In fact, and let this sink in, without our Stem Cells, there would be no way to survive.

That’s because we wouldn’t be able to regenerate and make new cells.

The Stem Cells in your bodies and your pets’ bodies are nothing short of miraculous.

With all this hullabaloo, there’s quite a bit of false advertising, touting products that use the words but do little or and oftentimes nothing. Gimmicks, so to speak. They’re not really stem cells.

As the subject can be more than a bit confusing, I’m going to take some time to fill you in.

Find the Truth about Stem Cells

Let’s look at what stem cells are and what triggers them to heal and repair tissues.   I’d wager that you never thought of healing in this way.

Stem cells and what they can do will vary from species to species. Salamanders can regrow their tails, but we certainly can’t regrow our fingers! Horses and cows have stem cells that cause their teeth to grow throughout their lives. In human, dog and cat bodies the stem cells in the skin and those that line the gut regenerate very well. How well a stem cell can regenerate depends on the organ it’s become. Organs differ in their ability to regenerate. For example, the liver regenerates much better than the heart or kidney.

The Science – Defining Stem Cells

When the egg and sperm join to become a fertilized cell, a new life is formed and the stem cells get to work, creating a baby!  These stem cells then go on to develop into different parts of our body.

As we grow and go through life some of these stem cells regularly divide to repair and replace worn out, damaged tissues.  The cells in our liver, gut, skin, hair and bone marrow work 24 hours a day monitoring and making needed repairs.

Yet, in some other organs, such as the pancreas and the heart, these stem cells only divide under certain conditions and only when there is tremendous amount of damage.

That’s why some organs are more regenerative than others. You may have heard about how quickly a liver can repair itself.  A liver can grow back even after two thirds of the liver is surgically removed. [In fact, I think a human body can do this almost a dozen times!] And yes, the liver does grow back ONLY because of its stem cells. But the heart, unlike the liver, will not regrow well at all when damaged.

A Stem Cells Journey

 At the very beginning the primordial stem cell can become anything.  Think of a GPS.  They can choose any direction they need go to and become any organ or body tissue.  But once they head down a road, they lose, forevermore, the opportunity to change.  Liver cells have become liver cells and kidney cells are kidney cells.

These primordial cells that can become anything have a special name. ‘Totipotent’ means that they can make totally anything.

But they’re only Totipotent before the GPS sets their path.

Some parents save their baby’s umbilical cord cells. These cells can do quite a lot. They’re called Multipotent. Think of this as being able to make multiple tissues but not totally all tissues.

In veterinary medicine, fat cells are harvested and treated to wake up the stem cells in fat. These cells are even more limited. With this, they’re called Mono-potent which means they can give rise to one thing; connective tissue. In pets, fat is often used as a source of stem cells to help with joint problems as they also have anti-inflammatory effects.

The last CELL the Stem Cell becomes will have, within that chosen organ or tissue, a measured ability to regenerate, depending on the organ cell it has become.

There are many active stem cells in the skin and bone marrow and gut regenerating every day.  The stem cells in the liver are also very active.  Stem cells grow hair and fingernails.  In the horse and cow these cells will grow their teeth throughout their lives.

 Our stem cells age along with us [we humans] just as our pets’ stem cells age along with them.

Our stem cells age just as we do. Every time any cell in our body replicates and multiples the DNA gets copied and replicated for the new cell. With each replication, the end-caps of the DNA [called Telomeres] shorten. A Telomeres job is to cap the DNA, which protects it. As the Telomeres shorten, the DNA gets progressively less protection. This is what causes aging.

Because of scientific advancements, we have the ability to measure Telomeres in order to assess age. This little tidbit about Telomeres will be woven into the next part.

Finally, I can explain VSEL Cells to you!

 Very Small Embryonic Stem Cells are in your blood and your pets’ blood. These are Toti-Potent cells. [this type of stem cell can make anything and everything]

Many people call them little Miracle Cells and there is a reason for this.

VSEL cells are both trapped and asleep in our blood. They circulate around in our plasma and in the plasma of our dogs and cats.  They are fast asleep.

This very tiny yet very powerful stem cell has been hidden in the blood of humans, dogs and cats- along with every other animal. They’ve been prisoners- sort of like Superman sealed in Kryptonite- in the plasma portion of blood. These cells have also been fast asleep; think Sleeping Beauty.  In fact, they’ve been completely dormant [asleep] since you or your dog or cat or horse has been born so these cells have NEVER AGED.  The Telomeres on these little miracle cells are as healthy and plump as the day one was born. These cells have been in a dormant state since the time you [and your dogs and cats!] were conceived.

These VSEL cells are so tiny they can slide right through membranes that no other stem cell can penetrate and can even go into the brain and nervous system. They appear to be so powerful that they seem to be able to repair areas in the body that have long been deemed to be irreparable.

VSEL therapy is one of the most exciting regenerative medicine therapies. These cells are small and powerful and can pass through the lungs and brain where other stem cells can’t. They are also very robust and when they reach their target they rapidly multiply. Importantly, the VSELs that we use belong to the patient who receives them.

I want to tell you the story of how they came to be awakened. Dr. Todd Ovokaitys and his team at Johns’ Hopkins developed a patented QiGen laser system which works to release millions of VSELs from the patient’s own plasma.  This special laser is called the SONG Laser and it was developed by Dr. Todd Ovokaitys and the Scottish physicist Scott Strachan [who also developed the Ultrasound]. There are 3 granted US and international patents for the laser activation and 3-dimensional guidance of these miraculous stem cells through tissue.

Dr. Ovokaitys has also worked with leading scientists such as Harvard University professor David Sinclair and has validated that this treatment can reverse biological and cellular age. This profound effect of being able to turn back the biological clock will allow a person [and a pet!] to live a lot longer in a much more youthful body. We talked about Telomeres and aging above, and VSEL therapy works to protect our Telomeres, as well as help regenerate each organ to anti-age them.

The VSELs are prepared by drawing blood into specifically designed tubes, separating out the patient’s serum/plasma and then applying the SONG laser to fractionate out the VSELs. After this is done the newly awaked VSEL are returned to the patient… and they get right to work!  It’s like having the Seven Dwarfs whistling as they work, except, rather than 7 workers, we have about 80 million tiny workers enthusiastically healing the patient. They’ve woken up from their long nap and are raring to go!   These VSEL cells can even be directed to areas of the body using the SONG laser right after they’re placed back into the patient. This innovative technique is also protected by a US patent. The areas of the body that need healing are mapped out and we send the cells directly to that area.

Health Mapping for Pets    …………‘a whole new way of healing the whole body’

The precision fusion that happens when the most powerful stem cells in our pet’s bodies are awakened and then carefully directed to where they are most needed.

Very Small Embryonic Stem Cells are Tiny but mighty miracles. 

You can achieve maximum health for your pets using your pet’s very own, incredibly powerful embryonic stem cells.

These ‘little miracles’ are tiny but mighty.

When awakened they activate your pets hidden internal healing mechanisms.

These V cells, lie dormant in your pet’s blood.  The extraordinary, newly invented SONG laser awakens these cells.

It’s as simple as taking some blood from your pet, activating these mighty health warriors and returning them to your pet, in your pet’s own serum.  Is as close to nature and as natural as you can find.

Once these cells activated, they are then carefully guided to the areas which need to be regenerated, rejuvenated and healed.

No other stem cells have the power of these mighty miracle stem cells, working tirelessly to heal the areas they are directed to. After activation, the SONG laser guides them to their workplace where they heal and correct problems in the body.

The precision fusion that happens when the most powerful stem cells in our pet’s bodies are awakened and then carefully directed to where they are most needed.


VSEL Therapy uses very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs), which are known to have an amazing healing capacity. VSELs are tiny, measuring only 3-5 micrometers in diameter.

Within the plasma are dormant embryonic stem cells (VSELs), which are, for lack of a better word, are “sleeping.” However, these embryonic stem cells can be activated and enlivened by treating them with a special laser called the SONG laser. Once activated, the VSELs are introduced back into the body, where they can travel to sites of injury, inflammation, or disease and promote healing.

These cells may also help restore the natural balance of stem cells in the body so that everyday repair processes can occur more efficiently. VSELs have also been shown to secrete molecules that reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration.  In addition to its therapeutic benefits, VSEL therapy also directly impacts the improvement of the patient’s overall health due to its ability to enhance cell renewal and regeneration.

What Conditions Can VSEL Therapy Help?

VSEL therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions and diseases, including:

  • Allergies and itching
  • GI conditions and IBD
  • Hind leg weakness
  • autoimmune conditions
  • heart disease
  • ACL/MCL Knee injuries
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Soft tissue injury and damage
  • Skin conditions
  • Organ failure
  • Heart failure
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Arthritis in dogs
  • Arthritis in cats
  • spinal column problems IVDD

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