Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies

Cutting Edge Holistic Health Solutions for Pets

What to do about that itchy dog?

No one ever watches an itching, chewing, biting, fur-ripping dog or cat and considers it an evening of inexpensive family entertainment.

No kid says, “Hey, Mom! Look at the dog! Isn’t he funny?”

Instead, the family members feel their pet’s discomfort: “Stop itching! Please, stop!

Diarrhea isn’t a pleasant diversion, either. Accidents in the house, constant concern over a pet’s diet, and frequent visits to the veterinarian aren’t really among the good things in life. The incidence of IBD (irritable bowel disease) in cats has been rapidly escalating for years and has just about reached epidemic proportions. Numerous companies, over the years, have formulated special foods for cats experiencing chronic and sometimes debilitating diarrhea.

Pruritis (itching of the skin) and intestinal disorders, such as IBD, have become so very prevalent that it’s seriously alarming. In my opinion, our relationship with our pets is supposed to enhance our lives while we enhance theirs. In four decades of veterinary practice, I’ve grown to understand that both obtaining health and maintaining health in our pets do not have to be constant struggles.

Regarding problems with diet, food allergies are not the same as food sensitivities (or intolerances). Food sensitivities are much more common than food allergies, but food allergies are a real problem, too.

A person with an allergic pet typically follows a path of avoidance. Pet owners will carefully read labels to circumvent foods to which their pets are allergic. However, allergy patients will often subsequently become allergic to ingredients in new foods if they eat them day after day. For example, a pet that was never allergic to lamb may become allergic to lamb because of repeated exposure to it.

Older drugs, like Benadryl and steroids, don’t work nearly as well anymore. Therefore, veterinarians often prescribe new and stronger drugs- with side effects, which often handle the itching, routinely. But using these drugs is a catch-22 because they impair very necessary vital functions in the animals’ bodies.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If you’ve been dealing with allergies for years with your own pet, it may be hard for you to believe that you can cure allergies. In this blog, you’re going to learn how to find out what is wrong with your dog or cat. You’re also going to learn what you can do about it.