Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies

Cutting Edge Holistic Health Solutions for Pets

Topical Tips to Stop that Itch

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Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Place the paste on your pet’s areas itchy or reddened areas. Leave the paste on for a few hours and then wash it off. You can also make a baking soda spray by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with eight ounces of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use when necessary. Shake before using.

Aloe Vera 

There’s a real difference between aloe vera gel you can buy in the store and that which comes from the live plant. The live plant has important enzymes that last for less than three days in the refrigerator. These special enzymes are incredibly powerful and work rapidly to heal itchy skin, but they are not present in bottled aloe vera gel.

Soothing gel from the aloe vera plant. Each aloe leaf contains a jellylike substance that rapidly regenerates damaged tissue; it also contains antibiotic and coagulating agents and can be used for wounds, fungal infections, and insect bites in addition to itchy areas. Gel from the aloe plant increases the rate of healing in the cellular matrix and decreases inflammation.

Obtain fresh aloe gel by splitting a leaf. Use the hard cuticle of the leaf to apply the green-tinged jelly inside the leaf to itchy areas. If you cut a leaf and use only part of it, store the rest of it in the refrigerator. Remember—after the leaf is cut, the ingredients will remain active for less than three days.

You can find aloe plants at nurseries and garden centers, and they are easy to maintain in your home. Place a terra-cotta pot with an aloe vera plant on your windowsill, and it will always be available to you.

Witch Hazel 

Witch hazel, also known as winter-bloom or spotted alder, is a flowering shrub common in North America. The leaves, bark, and twigs of witch hazel are high in tannins, which are found in any natural astringent because of their ability to tighten, dry, and harden tissues. Witch hazel liquid, easily and inexpensively purchased at any drugstore, is actually a steam distillation of the bark, leaves, and twigs of the witch hazel shrub. When applied directly to the skin, witch hazel helps soothe itchy skin, reduce swelling, repair broken skin, and fight bacteria.

Some other wonderful things about witch hazel are that it’s 100 percent natural, it smells fresh, and it doesn’t stain furniture or carpets when you apply it to your pet. To use, simply soak a cloth or cotton ball in witch hazel and rub it on your pet’s skin. It’s also great for itchy paws. You can put some witch hazel in a plastic bowl, dip your dog’s feet in it, and then pat dry.

Calendula Officinalis 

This herb is a favorite first aid treatment among herbalists, and for good reason. It has an almost magical effect in healing wounds. Calendula has a more powerful ability to hinder bacteria than many antibiotics, and it also has the important benefit of an anti-inflammatory effect while promoting the healthy growth of new cells. It also helps eliminate fungal infections.

The Romans coined the name calendula to reflect the herb’s blooming schedule because it would flower on the calends, or new moon, of every month. Officinalis refers to its official medicinal value. Calendula tincture diluted with water from 1:5 to 1:10 is effective and dependable for the treatment of itchy spots, and it can stop a hot spot in its tracks. You can buy tincture of calendula from a health food store or an herbal or homeopathic supply store. After diluting and mixing the tincture, apply it with a spray bottle or just pour some on the area and rub it in.Alternatively, you can steep dried calendula petals to make your own tincture. Pour a cup of boiling water onto five tablespoons of calendula petals and steep for fifteen minutes. This tincture does not have to be diluted the way a purchased tincture does.

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