Tag: dog allergies
Interested in TRULY ELIMINATING ALLERGIES, FOOD SENSITIVITIES AND FOOD INTOLERANCE IN YOUR DOG OR CAT? Can you imagine that you have a healthy pet with no problems? No more diarrhea? No more itching? No more ear infections?
The most efficient solution to the allergy problem in our pets would be to fix their faulty immune systems—the computers that have, so to speak, gone awry in our pets’ bodies. And that’s why holistic solutions, particularly Allergy Elimination 4 Pets, can be especially effective. An easy way to understand Allergy Elimination 4 Pets is… Read more
e’ve all heard that our skin is one of the first lines of defenseagainst disease. In fact, the skin’s first line of defense actuallyconsists of a bunch of bugs, living in harmony. The collectivegroup composed of all these bugs is called a microbiome. These many different types of bacteria and yeast live on our pets’skin… Read more
This Fat Cat is sitting on some Pet Allergy Secrets
Allergies, food sensitivities and food intolerances can cause both itching(ATOPY) and GI problems in both dogs and cats. Additionally, dogs and cats can be allergic to mold, dust, insects, grass, weeds and hundreds of other environmental substances. All pet allergies have a common denominator: an animal who has lost the ability to cope with his… Read more