allergic dog food - Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies Cutting Edge Holistic Health Solutions for Pets Fri, 30 Aug 2024 13:32:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 allergic dog food - Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies 32 32 Goat’s Milk, Kefir and Cheese are Great for Pets Fri, 30 Aug 2024 13:29:16 +0000 Healthy for Both Cats and Dogs

The post Goat’s Milk, Kefir and Cheese are Great for Pets first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.

Goat Milk- It's almost hard to believe how healthy it is for our pets!

Goats were domesticated in Western Asia almost 10,000 years ago. Neolithic farmers in the Near East began keeping small herds of ibexes for their milk and meat. As well, they also used their dung for fuel and their skins for clothing. Today, we have over 300 breeds of goats.

In fact, 65% of the world has been drinking goat milk and eating products made from goat milk for thousands of years. But here in the US, less than 5% of people regularly drink goat milk. Just so, we’ve only recently begun seeing goat milk, goat yogurt and goat Kefir in prominent places in our markets.

When you learn all the benefits goat milk contains for your pets, you’ll likely be very pleased that it’s now so easy to obtain.

Both dogs and cats like goat products.

Goat milk has some very unique properties that make it a healthy choice for our dogs and cats.

Goat milk is particularly good for cats and dogs with IBD or any digestive problem.

That’s because goat milk has compounds called oligosaccharides, which help to reduce intestinal inflammation. Goat milk also has special ‘prebiotic’ carbohydrates that nourish the beneficial gut bacteria. Prebiotics have been found to be even more beneficial for promoting healthy gut than probiotics. You see, the probiotic bacteria and their spores have to survive the hydrochloric acid in the stomach and, oftentimes, don’t make it all the way to the gut. Prebiotics, acting as food for the good bacteria, rapidly improve intestinal conditions.

Fermenting goat milk provides even greater nutritional value as the fermentation process adds even more probiotics to the mix.

Goat products are less allergenic than dairy products made cow’s milk. First of all, it’s often a novel protein. Because of this, food sensitivities and intolerances are much less likely to occur. The smaller fat globules in goat milk, along with the higher concentration of small and medium chain fatty acids, allow it to be digested more quickly and with much less effort. In fact, goat milk can be digested in less than 20 minutes.

Goat milk is especially beneficial for dogs and cats needing digestive assistance and immune support.

Pasteurization of cow milk destroys the enzyme that digests lactase. It also denatures the proteins. There are people who cannot tolerate pasteurized cow milk but who can easily digest raw cow milk. Raw goat milk has been referred to as the ‘universal milk’ because it is very easy for all other mammals to digest. It contains enzymes that aid digestion.

Goat milk actually acts as a metabolic agent because it boosts the absorption and utilization of minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus… which it’s also a great source of. Goat milk is also supplies vitamins A and D, creating a complete, digestible and healthy milk.

Goat milk offers a complete package as it contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, trace elements, enzymes and protein. The milk is rich in both triglycerides and fatty acids. In fact, studies have shown that the lipids in goat milk can reduce anxiety. Also, it has high amounts of selenium. Selenium is a very important mineral in preventing against cancer.

Because goat milk has a high fat content and low sugar content, glucose metabolism is much more effective. What this means is that goat milk is a great tool in managing diabetes. And thanks to the high amounts of potassium, it’s alkaline forming when consumed. Thus, it also helps to maintain a proper pH balance in the body while acting as an antacid.

Pets with kidney problems will benefit from goat milk, fermented goat milk, goat Kefir or goat yogurt added into their diet.

Goat milk provides complete, bioavailable nutrition, adding important elements into your pet’s diet.

Raw goat milk contains both anti-mucous and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a perfect supplement for dogs and cats suffering from allergies of any sort; including food and environmental allergies. Goat milk also has tremendous immune boosting properties.

It’s great help for dogs or cats with malnutrition, diabetes, kidney disease, anemia, GI disease and liver disease. Most of all, raw goat milk is good for everyone at any time!

Goat Yogurt

2 cups of goat milk

¼ cup of bioactive plain goat milk yogurt or Yogourmet which is a yogurt starter containing directions.

Heat the milk to 110 -112 degrees and add the bioactive yogurt or starter. Cover it with plastic wrap, poking a few holes in the plastic for air. Then place in an oven that has only the light (keeping it at 1-00-110 degrees), undisturbed until thickened and set, 5-7 hours. Then transfer to refrigerator until completely chilled, about 3 hours.



One of the unique characteristics of chia seeds is their high content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. About 75% of the fats in chia seeds consist of the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), while about 20% consist of omega-6 fatty acids.

Importantly, omega-3 fatty acids are very sensitive to any kind of exposure to air. The exposure while being packaged in gel caps and then being placed in a plastic container destroys a large proportion of the ingredients by oxidation. In cases of pumps supplying oils, the omega-3 fatty acids are oxidized well before the first pump.

The chia seeds swell with the addition of a liquid, such as goats milk, but because they are in a liquid and protected from the air and light they omega-3’s will not be destroyed.

Goat Milk and Chia Seeds

½ cup goat yogurt

1 ½ cups of goats milk

½ cup chia seeds

Mix all three ingredients, stirring occasionally until it thickens and then refrigerate for a few hours.

The post Goat’s Milk, Kefir and Cheese are Great for Pets first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.
