Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies

Cutting Edge Holistic Health Solutions for Pets

Homeopathic Remedies for Itching

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Apis mellifica 6c—This is recommended for itching with hot, puffy sores or hives and sometimes facial swelling.

Arsenicum album 30x—Typically, this is used with a pet who is seeking heat because warmth relieves the itching. He or she has dry, scaly, itchy sores; is restless; and has intense itching even though the skin may appear normal.

Grindelia 30x—This is more of an acute remedy to slow the itching down while the other remedies begin to work. It can be given three times a day for several weeks with no problems.

Ledum 6x—This works to relieve itchiness from flea or tick bites.

Psorinum 200c—This is a deep-acting remedy for the skin, particularly skin that looks unhealthy and heals slowly. It’s often a good remedy to make the body more receptive to other remedies, helping them work better. Unfortunately, it is not available in the United States, but it can be purchased overseas.

Rhus toxicodendron 6x—This remedy is made from poison ivy. It works for symptoms that resemble the rash and itchiness caused by the plant.

Silicea 30x—This works for recurrent skin infections with persistent but not intense itching, including infections that may begin after vaccination.

Sulfur 6c—This is a chief remedy to soothe itching in the pet that avoids heat and seeks cold. Bathing may aggravate the skin condition.

Thuja 6c—A key antivaccinosis remedy, this is indicated if skin problems began within weeks to months of vaccination. Also good with pets who tend to develop warts, have poor hair growth, and have skin that tends to become pigmented or turn black in areas.

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