cancer - Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies Cutting Edge Holistic Health Solutions for Pets Wed, 04 Sep 2024 13:20:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cancer - Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies 32 32 Preventing Cancer by increasing the p53 Gene with Ivermectin Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:05:52 +0000 Ivermectin has traditionally been used as an antiparasitic, but it also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions.  Importantly, ivermectin has anti-cancer actions, and it increases the expression of the p53 tumor suppressor gene’s pro-apoptotic pathway. Ivermectin helps the cancer cells reestablish the ability to detect that it is cancerous and thereby trigger an internal process of […]

The post Preventing Cancer by increasing the p53 Gene with Ivermectin first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.

Ivermectin has traditionally been used as an antiparasitic, but it also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions.  Importantly, ivermectin has anti-cancer actions, and it increases the expression of the p53 tumor suppressor gene’s pro-apoptotic pathway. Ivermectin helps the cancer cells reestablish the ability to detect that it is cancerous and thereby trigger an internal process of cancer cell suicide. 

Inside the Cancer Cell 
The p53 gene lives inside the cell. 

Understand that each cell has an internal immune system, held deep inside it, called the cytosolic immune system.

This system includes the p53 tumor suppressing gene and about a half a dozen other pathways with strange sounding names and all of these, living inside the cell itself, monitor the cells’ health.

Importantly, if a cell becomes cancerous, its inside ‘fixing program’ will kill it in a process of cellular suicide termed apoptosis.

 More about the p53 gene….. The gene p 53 regulates the death of our cells.

When a cell is dysfunctional or aged, it’s supposed to deactivate and die and then the cell is removed. Cancer gets ahead by deactivating or mutating that P 53 gene, thus making that cell immortal. Elephants have extra copies [twenty] of the tumor suppressing gene p 53 and elephants don’t get cancer.  Whales also have multiple copies of the P 53 gene and are protected against cancer as well. Most mammals, including the dog, have only one P 53 gene and the mutation of this gene is found in cancerous cells. Genomic data from more than 20,000 human patients have confirmed that the TP53 is the most commonly mutated gene in all human cancers. In wild animals, p53 variations contribute to environmental adaptation and cancer resistance. Article on p53 Gene in Humans and Wild Animals
Learn More About this in the Ivermectin and Cancer Post

The post Preventing Cancer by increasing the p53 Gene with Ivermectin first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.

IVERMECTIN ACTIVATES THE p53 Gene that Nips Cancer in the Bud! Fri, 30 Aug 2024 13:56:43 +0000 Ivermectin is truly a miracle drug! Ivermectin has traditionally been used as an antiparasitic, but it also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions. Importantly, ivermectin has anti-cancer actions, and it increases the expression of the p53 tumor suppressor gene’s pro-apoptotic pathway.  Ivermectin helps the cancer cells reestablish the ability to detect that it is cancerous and […]

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Ivermectin is truly a miracle drug!

Ivermectin has traditionally been used as an antiparasitic, but it also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions.

Importantly, ivermectin has anti-cancer actions, and it increases the expression of the p53 tumor suppressor gene’s pro-apoptotic pathway. 

Ivermectin helps the cancer cells reestablish the ability to detect that it is cancerous and thereby trigger an internal process of cancer cell suicide.

This is where cancer starts and ivermectin can help your pet nip the cancer in the bud- before the cell even becomes cancerous.

Think with this: Elephants and and whales have over twenty-two P53 genes and they NEVER GET CANER.

Let’s add it all up.  If you treat your dog with monthly heartworm prevention. [all year round in the south and when needed in the north] and you ONLY USE IVERMECTIN you very might also be helping to increase the expression of that special gene that detects and prevents cancer inside the cell.

This is how the body is already set up to find cancer before it get’s established- never allowing the cancer cell to  survive and multiply. Ivermectin helps to do it even better.

And this is the exact gene (p 53) that ivermectin increases the expression of!


In 2015, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, in its only award for treatments of infectious diseases for over the last 60 years honored the discovery of ivermectin.

I’m going to include some NIH publications in this article and you can open them, if you wish, allowing you to see that there is real science behind all the claims I’m going to make.  

If you can wade through the factual data, you’ll find the last part of thie will contain some ground breaking conclusions and a new understanding for cancer prevention in both dogs and cats!

What do penicillin, aspirin, and ivermectin have in common? In addition to rhyming, all three belong to the select group of drugs that can claim to have had the greatest beneficial impact on the health and well-being of humanity 

All three are of natural origin and all three led to a Nobel Prize. Aspirin is a derivative of salicin, a compound found in a variety of plants including willow. Although Hippocrates already speaks of its use in 400 BC, it was not isolated until 1829 as salicylic acid and was synthesized a few years later as acetylsalicylic acid. The discovery of its mechanisms of action earned Sir John Vane the Nobel Prize in 1982. Penicillin was isolated from a fungus that grew by accident in a Petri dish in Alexander Fleming’s laboratory. His discovery radically changed the course of medicine and earned Fleming the Nobel Prize in 1945. 

The long journey of a sample of Japanese soil……

The story of how ivermectin was discovered is quite incredible. In the late 1960s, Satoshi Ōmura, a microbiologist at the Kitasako Institute in Tokyo, began collecting thousands of soil samples from all over Japan, searching for antibacterial compounds. He grew bacteria from the samples, identified the cultures with medical potential, and shipped them 10,000 km away to Merck laboratories in New Jersey, where his collaborator William Campbell tested their effect against parasitic worms that affect livestock and other animals. A culture from a sample collected near a golf course south of Tokyo showed a remarkable effect against worms. The bacteria in the culture turned out to be a new species, which they named Streptomyces avermictilis.. The active compound, avermectin, was chemically modified to increase its activity and safety. The new compound, called ivermectin, was marketed for animal use in 1981 and soon became one of the best-selling veterinary drugs in the world . It is remarkable that, despite decades of searching, S. avermictilis remains the only source of ivermectin that has been found.

With that said let’s go into the many more uses for ivermectin other than as an antiparasitic drug.

Ivermectin has been shown to promote the repair of myelin (the sheath that surrounds nerves) in autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis [think of the canine Degenerative Myelopathy potential]

Ivermectin suppresses tumor growth and has a high antitumor activity against tumor growth and metastasis in nude mouse models.

Ivermectin also helps with drug resistant cancers, making them more susceptible to chemotherapy.

Ivermectin also might be a new potential anticancer drug for treating human colorectal cancer and other cancers.

So…. How does all this tie together and relate to cancer and cancer prevention?????


Allow me to diverge a minute and share with you why chemotherapy does not work on animals. I learned this decades ago in a conference at the veterinary school in Colorado, which practices the most advanced chemotherapy and radiation Rx’s for pets in the world.

Dogs and cats cannot tolerate chemotherapeutic drugs. If chemotherapy was administered at the same dose per pound as humans, dogs would vomit and poop blood… wind up in the ER with a huge bill and, of course, stop chemo.  

In fact, dogs and cats can only take a very tiny dose of the chemotherapeutic agents that humans tolerate. 

Because the rationale with chemotherapy is to hit the cancer as hard and fast as you can, chemotherapy does not work well at all with small animal patients. Oncologists typically offer several more months of time with your pet at best.  Pets only get a fraction of the dose that humans get. {Not that I’m a fan of chemotherapy… but it’s important to know the ‘whys’.}

The thing is, pet owners know about this high cancer rate and work hard to prevent it in their own pets.

Many pet owners supplement their furry kids with all kinds of immune boosting products in the hopes that they’re helping to prevent cancer. Most of these work to stimulate the immune system after cancer cells appear. From my last article we have learned that cancer cells can disguise themselves and hide from the immune system. This is why there is usually not a big difference, despite all the supplements. 

The post IVERMECTIN ACTIVATES THE p53 Gene that Nips Cancer in the Bud! first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.

The Health benefits of GARLIC are ENORMOUS Fri, 30 Aug 2024 13:47:06 +0000 Over the years, many research reports published in reputable journals have consistently confirmed that garlic effectively reduces the risk of cancer. In fact, garlic contains a variety of active components that can effectively inhibit the both occurrence of and development of cancer. The European Journal of Nutrition [in 2023], after conducting a meta- analysis of […]

The post The Health benefits of GARLIC are ENORMOUS first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.

Over the years, many research reports published in reputable journals have consistently confirmed that garlic effectively reduces the risk of cancer.

In fact, garlic contains a variety of active components that can effectively inhibit the both occurrence of and development of cancer.

The European Journal of Nutrition [in 2023], after conducting a meta- analysis of 61 research articles, confirmed garlic as a rich source of compounds with anti-tumor potential. 

Garlic was to have cytotoxic, cytostatic, anti-angiogenic and anti-metastatic activities both in in vitro and in vivo models of colorectal cancer in humans.

Animal and cell studies in 2021 suggested that garlic can inhibit carcinogenesis through various pathways, including inducing apoptosis, suppressing cell proliferation, reducing tumor size and enhancing the activity of important enzymes such as glutathione.


Garlic (Allium sativum) has been valued for thousands of years for medicinal purposes.  Five-thousand-year-old Sanskrit and Chinese medical manuscripts describe the benefits of garlic. Garlic was also a valued staple for the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.  In fact, fifteen pounds of garlic was the going price for a healthy male slave in Egypt.  When King Tut’s tomb was excavated, bulbs of garlic were found scattered throughout.

Hippocrates advocated garlic for infections, cancer and digestive disorders. The great Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder recommended it for a wide variety of ailments ranging from the common cold to epilepsy, leprosy, cancer and tapeworm. 

For as long as people have been using garlic, they have been feeding it to their animal companions.  However, recently, the safety of garlic for dogs has come into question.  Knowledge is a powerful thing – but astute pet owners should gather all the data before shunning this celebrated bulb.


Garlic is approved as a flavoring, spice or seasoning for use in pet food, yet the FDA has garlic listed in its poisonous plant database. 


Follow along and check out the absurdity of this study.   

Let’s get to the bottom the garlic story.  Where do you draw the line on how much garlic your dog can get in his meal?  The data presented in the FDA study referenced above was based on the average Golden Retriever [at 75-lbs] eating about 75 cloves of garlic in each meal before any adverse effects occurred. Similarly, a dog weighing mere 12-lbs would need to eat [30 grams of garlic] which is about 8 to 10 garlic cloves in a meal to experience any adverse effects. 

Do you know anyone who would even consider feeding 75 cloves of garlic to their Golden Retriever in one meal?

Importantly, the reported adverse effects of garlic add up to a total non-event over the past 28 years.  The National Animal Supplement Council responsibly records both Adverse Events and Serious Adverse Events resulting from the use of natural products. In fact, the President of the NASP thanked me many years ago, for clarifying that all the BS about garlic that pet owners see on the web is a tall tale. Because garlic is quite simply… NOT A PROBLEM.

What is significant is all the positive research delineating the medicinal powers of garlic.  Of all of garlic’s reputed benefits, one is its use as a natural antibiotic, with reports going back through history.   Modern researchers have compared the effectiveness of garlic with that of antibiotics and have found that garlic has a broad-spectrum anti-bacterial effect. Additionally, bacteria don’t seem to build up a resistance to garlic as they do to many modern antibiotics. Garlic  also increases general immune activity along with the activity of Killer Cells (cells that seek out and kill invading bacteria and cancer cells).   


There’s a secret to releasing the healing powers of garlic.  Allicin is the most powerful medicinal compound derived from garlic, providing the most important health benefits.  Garlic must first go through a chemical process to create allicin.   When garlic is crushed, a specific amino acid contained within it reacts with a specific enzyme, creating allicin. 


You must finely chop or crush a garlic clove then wait for 5-10 minutes to allow the chemical reaction to occur. 


Additionally, allicin is unstable when exposed to air and heat so don’t wait more than 20 minutes before you top your dog’s meal with some healthy raw garlic. 


Buy a garlic press or simply chop some garlic very finely and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.  You can then mix it in with a tablespoon of cooked, cooled chopped beef or chicken and place it on top of your dog’s meal.


Garlic has also been fed to dogs to help prevent fleas.  When using garlic as a flea preventive it’s important to use a castile soap or detergent free shampoo.  Dogs don’t sweat as humans do and the garlic ‘aroma’ comes out in the oil on their coat.  It takes several weeks for the garlic compounds to build up in the oil and a detergent shampoo removes the oil and you’re back to square one again.


A host of studies provide evidence that the allicin in garlic works to inhibit cancer formation.  With cancer being the number one cause of death in dogs…let’s all get going with garlic!     Voila- a meal fit for a Dog, a King – or a Pharaoh!

My book, Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog goes over the benefits of garlic and doses of it for your dog.

The post The Health benefits of GARLIC are ENORMOUS first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.

Cancer in Dogs and Cats Thu, 29 Aug 2024 15:21:28 +0000 You can easily find Round Up on the shelves in your hardware and garden stores. After you read this newsletter you’ll be amazed that it’s still for sale. You’ll also learn how you can test your dog’s urine for it and the water in the lakes and ponds your dog may be swimming in or drinking.  Our […]

The post Cancer in Dogs and Cats first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.

You can easily find Round Up on the shelves in your hardware and garden stores. After you read this newsletter you’ll be amazed that it’s still for sale. You’ll also learn how you can test your dog’s urine for it and the water in the lakes and ponds your dog may be swimming in or drinking. 

Our townships spray it in the lakes and ponds to prevent algae growth [under another name] and our children and dogs jump right in to swim around. The company says it lasts for 24 hours and that just ain’t so. These cancer-causing-products don’t even have a warning on the label. 

Yet, and read this slowly….. it is VERY WELL known that the glyphosate in Round Up causes cancer in our pets and in us and who knows about the wildlife? Let’s start at the beginning. Round Up, along with other products produced by Monsanto/Bayer AG, contains glyphosate. Glyphosate causes cancer.  

All the time.

No ifs ands or buts about it. 

For DECADES, Monsanto has fought, using every resource it has, countless lawsuits filed against the company.  After years of this giant company spending anything and doing everything needed to win lawsuits against them, the tide turned. Yet, it’s still on the shelves waiting for unsuspecting customers to purchase the poison!

 It’s so commonly used that it’s been found in the rainwater in certain parts of the world!  Let’s take a look at some studies and some lawsuits. Studies have repeatedly shown that dogs from homes with routinely treatedlawns get significantly more bladder cancer.

One of the studies, done at theDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Studies at Purdue University in 2004,found lawn chemicals have a definite link to bladder cancer. Breeds more at risk for bladder cancer are Beagles, Scottish terriers, Shetland sheepdogs, West Highland White terriers and Wire Hair Fox terriers. Scottish terriers are 20 times more likely to develop bladder cancer than other breeds of dogs. 

The case of the school groundskeeper, DewayneJohnson, filed in 2016, is a well-known one. It was fast-tracked due to the severityof Johnson’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,which he claimed was caused by Roundupand Ranger Pro – both Monsanto glyphosate herbicides. The jury ordered thecompany to pay out $289 million.The reason for the ruling was that thecompany had not warned on their label or in their literature about the cancer risksposed by its main weed killer.

The National Cancer Institute found that dogs were twice as likely to develop lymphoma if Roundup was applied ontheir properties four or more times a year.According to a study conducted over asix year period at the Foster Hospital for Small Animals at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine,exposure to lawn pesticides raised the risk of canine malignant lymphoma by asmuch as 70 percent. Lymphoma is the most common cancer that we see in our dogs. 

A Philadelphia jury recently hit Monsanto with a $175 million verdict in favor of a cancer patient who claimed the company failed to warn about known carcinogens in its bestselling herbicide, Roundup.The verdict is part of a string of nine- and 10-Oakland, California, and $289 million in San Francisco — although those verdicts were substantially reduced upon appeal. 

The post Cancer in Dogs and Cats first appeared on Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies.
