Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies

Cutting Edge Holistic Health Solutions for Pets

Cancer in Dogs and Cats

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You can easily find Round Up on the shelves in your hardware and garden stores. After you read this newsletter you’ll be amazed that it’s still for sale. You’ll also learn how you can test your dog’s urine for it and the water in the lakes and ponds your dog may be swimming in or drinking. 

Our townships spray it in the lakes and ponds to prevent algae growth [under another name] and our children and dogs jump right in to swim around. The company says it lasts for 24 hours and that just ain’t so. These cancer-causing-products don’t even have a warning on the label. 

Yet, and read this slowly….. it is VERY WELL known that the glyphosate in Round Up causes cancer in our pets and in us and who knows about the wildlife? Let’s start at the beginning. Round Up, along with other products produced by Monsanto/Bayer AG, contains glyphosate. Glyphosate causes cancer.  

All the time.

No ifs ands or buts about it. 

For DECADES, Monsanto has fought, using every resource it has, countless lawsuits filed against the company.  After years of this giant company spending anything and doing everything needed to win lawsuits against them, the tide turned. Yet, it’s still on the shelves waiting for unsuspecting customers to purchase the poison!

 It’s so commonly used that it’s been found in the rainwater in certain parts of the world!  Let’s take a look at some studies and some lawsuits. Studies have repeatedly shown that dogs from homes with routinely treatedlawns get significantly more bladder cancer.

One of the studies, done at theDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Studies at Purdue University in 2004,found lawn chemicals have a definite link to bladder cancer. Breeds more at risk for bladder cancer are Beagles, Scottish terriers, Shetland sheepdogs, West Highland White terriers and Wire Hair Fox terriers. Scottish terriers are 20 times more likely to develop bladder cancer than other breeds of dogs. 

The case of the school groundskeeper, DewayneJohnson, filed in 2016, is a well-known one. It was fast-tracked due to the severityof Johnson’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,which he claimed was caused by Roundupand Ranger Pro – both Monsanto glyphosate herbicides. The jury ordered thecompany to pay out $289 million.The reason for the ruling was that thecompany had not warned on their label or in their literature about the cancer risksposed by its main weed killer.

The National Cancer Institute found that dogs were twice as likely to develop lymphoma if Roundup was applied ontheir properties four or more times a year.According to a study conducted over asix year period at the Foster Hospital for Small Animals at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine,exposure to lawn pesticides raised the risk of canine malignant lymphoma by asmuch as 70 percent. Lymphoma is the most common cancer that we see in our dogs. 

A Philadelphia jury recently hit Monsanto with a $175 million verdict in favor of a cancer patient who claimed the company failed to warn about known carcinogens in its bestselling herbicide, Roundup.The verdict is part of a string of nine- and 10-Oakland, California, and $289 million in San Francisco — although those verdicts were substantially reduced upon appeal. 

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